December Newsletter

Dear readers and friends,

It's almost that magical time of year. The time where I can tell the world at large to kiss my grits because I've got a novel to write in a month. That's right, November is National Novel Writing Month, commonly referred to in the writing community as nano. Tonight I'll take my imps out to cavort with witches and wizards, vampires and zombies all roaming the streets seeking a Halloween sugar rush, and then at midnight it's a month of ME time. 

The natives have already been warned that I MEAN BUSINESS this year. I have a book that is clawing it's way out of me and a need to bring you all an old favorite in a new adventure.

Plotting, cover design, prepping my work space for optimal performance, freezing meals for quick dinners, ect.   I swear I spend more time every year prepping for Nano than I did for my wedding. That 'll tell you where my priorities lie. Although the natives have to fend for themselves while I churn out a book in a month, they do get the benefit of the dedication. 

This one is for my sons, Danny and AJ, who provide hours of inspiration, entertainment and a never ending pile of laundry. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Have I teased you enough? Normally I keep my WIP under wraps but this year well, you've all been asking for it.

That's right, that Hag is ready to ride again! Along with Neil, Marty, Sylvia and the in-laws from hell who have a much bigger role in All Washed Up. Can you imagine Maggie and Laura actually agreeing on something for a change? All I can say is, poor Neil!

All thanks for this long awaited sequel can be directed to the fabulous Suzanne Cerreta, the voice of Maggie in the Misadventures audiobooks. She's brought the characters rushing back to the foreground and reminded me where I was headed with this series that I loved so much.The Swept Under the Rug audiobook has been approved and should be up for sale on audible, Amazon and iTunes in the next few days.

Meanwhile, Stellar Timing, narrated by the talented Hollie Jackson is now up for sale. To celebrate, the kindle edition of Stellar is  FREE on Amazon this weekend, 10/31-11/04! Spread the word!

PLUS, I'm having a mega huge audiobook credit giveaway. FIVE  AUDIBLE CREDITS up for grabs in November. If you're already receiving my newsletter, you're a step ahead, just sign up on either my Facebook page or my website

Don't want to wait?  You can just go buy your copy of Stellar Timing right now!


So ebooks, and audiobooks and new books OH MY! I'm off like a prom dress so I can bring you more mystery, mayhem, laughter and love in the new year. Until then, happy reading!


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