Goodreads Giveaway for Who Needs A Hero?
You have no idea how gratifying this is. My goodreads giveaway for Who Needs A Hero? went live yesterday evening. So far eighty people have signed up for a chance to win a hard copy of his book!
I just ordered my proof copy to review and I plan on taking it to New York with me to check for errors and any last minute typos. If it looks good, I'll pass it along to the Reading Reviewer, Mary Grimlich.
It's going to be a very busy week for me, my first ever RWA national conference. I'm looking forward to seeing the Sanibel Divas who are attending and meeting up with members of the sci-fi romance brigade. I've already packed my Star Trek: The Next Generation communicator pin to wear to The Gathering and after some clever packing, have plenty of room in my suitcase for books!
And I promise, as soon as I get back I'll be back to work, preparing for the Who Needs A Hero? release and maybe even writing on Laundry Hag 3: All Washed Up .
One thing at a time thoug...