A working cover
They say a picture's worth a thousand words. Well, in this case I'm hoping it'll be worth 75 thousand words, the typical length of one of my mysteries. Why design a working cover? After all, isn't a cover supposed to help sell the completed book to the readers? Well, yes, but first I have to sell myself on the book, to want to see a completed work behind this bad girl. And also because while cover art lets me use a different set of creative skills from writing, flexing different muscles. And because sometimes it takes more than my partly hazy imagination, something I can stare at and bring about the mood of the piece I'm working on to the fore. Just like creating a playlist, staring at the working cover transports me into the book, helps me mingle with the characters, get the feel of the book, in the case of Final Notice , that's sassy, sexy and off the wall zany. I love the working cover, I love the book and I can't wait to share it all with you.