Six Sentence Sunday
This week's offering comes from my brand spanking new ebook, Stellar Timing . I love this story, my first place winner in the 2010 On the Far Side Contest, science fiction/ futuristic category. This snippet is the first encounter between my heroine, Ellie, and her space prince. If I've hooked you, feel free to click the cover to buy from Amazon for $2.99! Swea t and what appeared to be blood matted his hair into clumps and so much ash stuck in the shoulder length strands, the color was impossib le to decipher. More blood coated the plates of metal covering every inch of his giant frame. He removed his hand from her trembling lips. “What do you want?” Ellie whispered, more afraid than she’d ever been. “Sanctuary,” he rasped before those midnight eyes rolled back and he crashed at her feet.