Stellarverse Glossary
Stellarverse Glossary Multiverse —A general term encompassing all dimensions of space and time, both cataloged and undiscovered. For every choice we make, there is a realm where another path was taken and another reality sprang into existence. United Coalition of Planets (UCP) — Organization of interconnected worlds bound together by the need for trade and advancement. Sorci —Magically inclined group of people who are feared by most for their ability to channel magic. Powers stems for the energy permeating the complex elements of the universe— land, air, water and soil. A sorci untrained in magic is known as a witch while one skilled in the craft is a sorcerer or mage . Healing Zone — Area of Brennigan’s world which is set aside for the sorci to live and practice magic as they see fit. Outside of the King’s jurisdiction. Sorci living outside the Healing Zone must be registered by royal decree. Splice — A sorci’s means of travel, like teleporting and good only planetary travel onl...